Pangyo 2nd Techno Valley Smart Industrial Complex

Gyeonggi Province suggested plans for Pangyo smart city and governance. The zero shuttle is the key for smart transportation. PAMZ 2020 will be held

Pangyo 2nd Techno Valley

The 2nd Pangyo Techno Valley will be developed as a high-tech industrial complex and an exemplary smart city that paves the way for the adoption of new and revolutionary technologies in every city.


Autonomous mobility (specifically autonomous buses), clean energy, and a safe environment are some of the main focuses of the proposed plans. The 4th Pangyo Autonomous Mobility Show (PAMS 2020) will further explore the benefits of autonomous mobility and the solutions it can offer.

Suggested Plans for Pangyo Smart Industrial Complex

The full scope of plans for the smart industrial complex are currently under review. At the moment, they can be divided into 4 main areas:


Smart Transport Systems

Autonomous vehicles are seen as the future of driving. Using smart technologies for public transportation will help us improve the convenience and trustworthiness of transportation systems in our day-to-day commutes. The suggested plans for the 2nd Pangyo Techno Valley Smart Industrial Complex aim at improving smart transportation systems on a large scale. The smart transportation plans also branch into different categories such as autonomous buses, AI-based switching roads, smart parking, and smart speed bumps.


To the public, autonomous buses might be the most visible and exciting change. Since 2018, Korea’s first public autonomous vehicle has been test-running in Pangyo. The next step would be improving and using the infrastructure to create autonomous public transportation.


Smart technologies can improve roads as well. At different times of the day, traffic tends to lean more heavily in one or another direction. Switching roads or lanes helps ease traffic without building additional roads. By analyzing traffic, AI will be able to decide when to switch the driving direction of one lane or an entire road so as to avoid or reduce congestion. The smart traffic systems operate signs as needed to lead traffic along the best possible route.


Smart parking technologies use data collected from available parking locations (public or private) to help users find available parking spots through an app. They also allow users to calculate fees and gain access to other necessary information.


Smart speed bumps put IoT-based systems to use and respond according to data about vehicle speed. This way, the vehicles driving within the speed limit will not be bothered by the speed bumps.


Smart transportation systems can make traffic control more effective and offer solutions to various transportation and traffic issues.


Smart City

The 2nd Pangyo Techno Valley Smart Industrial Complex will be used as a testbed for various high-tech systems and technologies related to the quaternary sector.


The quaternary sector testbed projects will focus on providing the infrastructure needed for testing big data projects throughout the area. In addition, open and public spaces in the 2nd Pangyo Techno Valley will be utilized to display the latest advances in the quaternary sector and provide a tangible smart city experience to visitors.


The entire city will be connected through public Wi-Fi, which is also necessary for creating a good testing environment.


Public Experience Zones

Part of the suggested plans for the 2nd Pangyo Techno Valley Smart Industrial Complex includes perceptible manifestations of a high-tech city for the public. There are different programs in this area, including energy-generating pedestrian paths, fine-dust-free zones, and smart vegetable gardens.


The energy-generating pedestrian paths will be paved using pressure panels that can make piezoelectric power. Pedestrians who walk along the path will take part in the production of clean energy for use at public facilities. The fine-dust-free zones utilize various available measures to reduce and eliminate fine dust in the area and provide better air. In addition, smart vegetable gardens will use robotics to create vegetable gardens within the city.


Smart Governance

Smart governance can facilitate the management of our cities; it involves using technology for better planning and decision making. Smart governance relies on technology to enable collaboration between members of the public and their local government and to democratize public services.


The suggested plans for smart governance include creating a data hub for transportation, energy, safety, floating population, and more, as well as business models that use big data for different aspects of city management.


Pangyo Zero City: The Key to Smart Transportation

At the heart of the 2nd Pangyo Techno Valley’s Smart Industrial Complex lies the potential for smart transportation. The plans under review for the industrial complex aim at commercializing the use of autonomous transportation. Smart innovations in the field of transportation lead to a future where transportation is easier, safer, cheaper, and cleaner.


Pangyo Zero City is being developed to support innovations in autonomous driving and provide a real environment for testing and demonstrating related advances.


A full-scale space suitable for autonomous driving requires infrastructure such as IoT facilities and V2X-ready environments. This necessitates reliable 5G coverage throughout the area.


The Zero Shuttle, South Korea’s first autonomous bus, is currently being tested on the streets of Pangyo Zero City.

zero shuttle

Korea's first autonomous self-driving bus' Zero Shuttle' was manufactured by Gyeonggi Province


Zero Shuttle: The Nation's First Autonomous Bus

The adoption of smart technologies in public transportation and autonomous buses is not a thing of fiction here. The nation's first autonomous bus, the Zero Shuttle, steers itself through the streets of Pangyo Zero City.


The operation of autonomous busses also requires the installation of cameras and sensors throughout the city to ensure that as many variables as possible are monitored and taken into account.


Extending the use of autonomous buses to other regions will increase the convenience of public transportation.


4th Pangyo Autonomous Mobility Show

The 4th Pangyo Autonomous Mobility Show (PAMS 2020) takes place from October 15 to 17, 2020. During this 3-day show, there will be demonstrations of autonomous driving mobility services, Zero Shuttle runs, contests, and an exhibition.

Pangyo Autonomous Driving Mobility Show

The 4th Pangyo Autonomous Driving Mobility Show (PAMS 2020) will be held from the 15th to the 17th of October.


This year, the demonstrations are focused on autonomous mobility that enhances non-face-to-face interactions. The keywords are ‘untact’ and ‘connect’; PAMS explores the conundrums confronting us throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Within the venue, autonomous technology and robots are employed to take care of tasks such as serving, delivery, cooking, and disinfection. These technologies are helpful in places with a high population flows, such as government offices, which can benefit from reductions in direct contact.


The PAMS Square will be set up near Pangyo Station with additional displays of various self-driving mobility technologies.


The PAMS Rally will be held on the last day of the show and feature autonomous drones, cars, and more as they are put to use to showcase the future of self-driving vehicles. PAMS Rally will also allow participants to join the process of autonomous delivery (e.g. food, documents, etc.).


Participants will also be able to experience autonomous public transportation first hand by riding the Zero Shuttle.



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Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog): Pangyo 2nd Techno Valley Smart Industrial Complex
Pangyo 2nd Techno Valley Smart Industrial Complex
Gyeonggi Province suggested plans for Pangyo smart city and governance. The zero shuttle is the key for smart transportation. PAMZ 2020 will be held
Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog)
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