Gyeonggi Techno Park and Ansan Science Valley: The Road to South Korea’s Scientific Progress

Gyeonggido designated some places as a techno park to support SMEs and Ansan as a science valley to develop industry, academia, and research.

You might be familiar with Pangyo Techno Valley, but do you know about Ansan Science Valley? Gyeonggi-do’s science and technology sectors are growing and tech-related clusters are being developed in different cities.

Today we’re taking a look at Gyeonggi Techno Park (GTP) and Ansan Science Valley (ASV), two important contributors to Gyeonggi-do’s tech and science goals.

Gyeonggi Techno Park

Techno parks offer invaluable support to innovative SMEs. GTP was established to serve as a hub for technological innovation in the region. Since its establishment, it has played an important economic role by facilitating technological collaboration among businesses and the research sector, as well as project incubation and cluster development. As a catalyst for industry-academia collaboration, GTP has contributed to the development of new and innovative technologies.

GTP works to help local high-tech enterprises grow and become competitive on a global scale. Over the years, GTP has provided customized support to more than 6,000 regional businesses.

Techno parks were first established in 1998 by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE). In the initial phase, plans called for 6 techno parks, and GTP was one of them. After the success of the initial phase, more techno parks were created around the country.

GTP initially operated under the name “Ansan Techno Park”. In 2003, it was changed to Gyeonggi Techno Park to reflect the widening of its focus to all of Gyeonggi Province.

Gyeonggi Techno Park Policies & Goals

GTP was created with the vision of becoming a high-tech base in the province and a partner in the growth of the small and medium enterprises. Ever since, GTP has taken on the mission of invigorating the local economy and contributing to national economic growth.

Acting as a hub for regional technological innovation, GTP has focused on strategic development goals. For example, one of GTP’s main goals is the development of the Ansan Science Valley. GTP is also strengthening the research, surveying, and planning involved in the formulation of regional technological innovation policies. Concurrently, GTP is devising more support policies to create a base suitable for the development of local industries.

To help develop local industries, GTP is promoting the technological advancement of SMEs (for example, by strengthening technological support that helps reduce on-site difficulties or disruptions). It also selectively fosters innovative SMEs and provides them with support for strategic management and intellectual property utilization.

To establish a support system for start-ups and tenant companies, GTP is constructing a system to help facilitate the commercialization of technology transfer. GTP will also support policy development for tenant companies, and strive to create a pleasant and convenient environment for businesses.

GTP is also working to establish a hub for exchange, cooperation, and networking. To this end, GTP will create a support system for businesses seeking to access external resources. It will also operate industry-academia-research exchange and cooperation networks and expand international cooperation and exchange opportunities.

GTP will continually explore and revisit its mid to long-term focus to create a strong and innovative cluster in Ansan.

Ansan Science Valley

The Ansan Science Valley (ASV) is a science and technology innovation cluster that brings together key players in industry, academia, research, and government in Ansan City, Gyeonggi Province. ASV is comprised of a network of neighboring GTP institutions.

ASV was officially launched in 2009. Currently, there are 4,000 people working in ASV, about 2,000 of which hold graduate degrees.

Gyeonggido, Ansan City, and Hanyang University had agreed to designate the Erica Campus of Hanyang University as Ansan Science Valley. 
Ⓒ Gyeonggi Province

ASV provides services such as business incubation, research & development, education & training, certification, testing & calibration services, technology transfer & IPR, and networking services between academia and business, as well as facilities such as office space and equipment to local SMEs.

New Plans for Ansan Science Valley

Ansan City and Hanyang University have entered a cooperation agreement to connect Hanyang University's Erica Campus with the Ansan Science Valley. Based on this agreement, the area will be designated as a special research and development zone. It will be a small yet densely populated research complex that will serve as a nexus for regional science and technology innovation and growth. ASV has high potential for gathering universities, research institutes, and research personnel.

The Erica Campus was designated as a special R&D zone under the INNOTOWN project, making it the first INNOTOWN in the Korean capital region.

Gyeonggi Province expects the designation of ASV as an INNOTOWN to generate up to KRW 198.7 billion in production-inducing effects and KRW 83.6 billion in value-added creation effects, as well as 1,465 jobs.



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Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog): Gyeonggi Techno Park and Ansan Science Valley: The Road to South Korea’s Scientific Progress
Gyeonggi Techno Park and Ansan Science Valley: The Road to South Korea’s Scientific Progress
Gyeonggido designated some places as a techno park to support SMEs and Ansan as a science valley to develop industry, academia, and research.
Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog)
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