Gyeonggi Grand Tour: A Comprehensive Trip to Gyeonggi-do

Gyeonggi Grand Tour offers a unique opportunity to explore various tourist sites that have different themes such as historical, cultural, etc.

Gyeonggi-do boasts a diverse array of tourist attractions thanks to its location as well as historical and cultural background. To help Gyeonggi-do travelers and stimulate the growth of the local tourism industry, the province has developed a comprehensive tour course, the Gyeonggi Grand Tour, that helps visitors discover amazing sites in every corner of the province.

The Gyeonggi Grand Tour offers a unique opportunity to explore the historical, cultural, natural, and peace-related sites of Gyeonggi-do through a 1,809 kilometer-long course that traverses the province.

What is the Gyeonggi Grand Tour

The Gyeonggi Grand Tour is a travel course that covers a route of 1,809 kilometers and encompasses different historical, cultural, natural, and peace-related sites throughout the province. The Gyeonggi Grand Tour was developed to increase recognition of various tourist sites within the province among both Koreans and foreigners interested in traveling around the province.

To promote the Gyeonggi Grand Tour, Gyeonggi Province hascompiled a guidebook containing several maps, descriptions of 50 major tourist attractions, and introductions to 147 tourist destinations. The guidebook also presents five major theme parks in Gyeonggi-do (including Everland, Uiwang Rail Park, Seoul Land, Woongjin Play Doci, and One Mount), as well as 15 major festivals in the province. 

It’s expected that, under the brand of Gyeonggi Grand Tour, the province will be able to increase awareness about tourism in Gyeonggi-do via routes that can be enjoyed by a wide variety of tourists, such as families, youths, foreign tourists, and more. It is part of Gyeonggi-do’s larger effort to develop provincial tourism.
The course connects the cities with different themes such as historical, cultural, or peace-related sites.
ⓒGyeonggi Province

Four Destination Types

Due to its strategic location, Gyeonggi-do possesses a rich array of historical, cultural, natural, and peace-themed sites. The Gyeonggi Grand Tour takes visitors through an extensive exploration of all four types of destinations.
Historical sites: Be it in the form of villages, fortresses, or temples, Gyeonggi-do has a rich historical legacy and many heritage sites. For the past 1,000 years, Gyeonggi-do has held a strategic place on the peninsula. In 1018, King Hyeonjong of Goryeo reorganized the central and regional administrative systems. Through this process, the then-capital Gaegyeong as well as 12 surrounding counties, prefectures, and cities were merged together to form the Gyeonggi area. The historical sites of the Gyeonggi Grand Tour take the visitors to important locations and provides them with insights into local history.
Cultural sites: Visitors can enjoy the colorful cultural spaces of the province, including museums, science centers, themed streets, and cultural theme parks.
Natural sites: These sites showcase the beauty of the province’s natural environment. Gyeonggi-do is home to a number of important natural sites such as the Hangang Estuary and pristine natural sites in the DMZ.
Peace sites: Visitors can take a dive into the modern history of Korea and explore the Korean Independence Movement through sites that tell the story of the struggles and battles of Koreans under the colonial rule as well as the heroism of the Independence Fighters.

Where Does the Gyeonggi Grand Tour Go?

The Gyeonggi Grand Tour connects 50 major touristic sites throughout the province. Gyeonggi travelers can begin their journey at the starting location of the tour, Suwon Hwaseong Fortress, travel all around the province and finish their journey at the final point, Gwanggyo Lake Park. They can also use the guide book to plan out their trip according to their own preferences.

The Gyeonggi Grand Tour passes through most of the province’s 31 cities and counties.

The Gyeonggi Grand Tour covers 50 major tourist sites throughout the province
ⓒGyeonggi Province



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Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog): Gyeonggi Grand Tour: A Comprehensive Trip to Gyeonggi-do
Gyeonggi Grand Tour: A Comprehensive Trip to Gyeonggi-do
Gyeonggi Grand Tour offers a unique opportunity to explore various tourist sites that have different themes such as historical, cultural, etc.
Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog)
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