Spring Is Here: Celebrate Arbor Day

Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is. It's Arbor day in Korea, why not get closer with nature and embrace them in this beautiful season?

What is Arbor Day?

Arbor Day is a day recognized by the Korean government to encourage people to plant and preserve trees. From 1949, South Korea's Arbor Day was celebrated on April 5, but official celebrations ended in 2006.

Due to the use of firewood, the Korean mountains were stripped bare during the Joseon Dynasty. During the Japanese colonial era, each school started a campaign to plant trees, and a large reforestation project was carried out after the Korean War. At this time, Arbor Day was designated and the whole nation was mobilized to plant trees on this day. The reforestation project was successfully completed in about 10 years and became an example for the rest of the world.

Seokpo Forest Park

Seokpo Forest Park is where Son Chang-geun donated a privately owned forest (with an area of approximately 6.6 million m²) located in the cities of Yongin and Anseong to the state on Arbor Day of 2012. It took him over 50 years to cultivate the forest, and therefore the park was named after Seokpo, the father of Son Chang-geun, who encouraged Son to share with others.
Yongin Seokpo Forest Park
ⓒGyeonggi Province
Son planted fruit trees in this forest for the purpose of increasing the income of local residents, and a ecological learning center was established to commemorate how the fruit trees relieved his hunger when he was young. Seokpo Forest, which has an area twice that of Yeouido, has been selected as an "environmental role model" and is now managed by the Korea Forest Service. The forest also serves as a forest education resource due to the presence of native species (fir, birch, and maga trees) from North Korea, the hometown of Son's father.
Yongin Seokpo Forest Park
ⓒGyeonggi Province
In addition, Seokpo Forest is also home to the 'Youth Kim Daegun Road', the pilgrimage route of Father Andrew Kim Daegun. One can enjoy walking along Adeok Hill, Basari Hill, and Mangdeok Hill, which are lie along the path between Miriane Shrine and Euny Shrine, the “Korean Santiago” pilgrimage route. There are auto camping sites near Sigungsan Mountain and Munsusan Mountain as well. In addition, the Deck of the Korean Peninsula, which incorporates the Taegeuk pattern in its design so as to express the desire for national reunification, offers breath-taking views.

Son Chang-geun did not stop giving back to the community even after his donations to the National Museum of Korea in 2008, Seokpo Forest in 2012, and KAIST in 2017. In November 2018, Son donated 304 items of the Son Se-gi and Son Chang-geun collections, including Chusa Kim Jung-hee's masterpiece ‘Bulseon-do,’ to the National Museum of Korea. He then proceeded to donate National Treasure No. 180 ‘Sehando’ in August of 2020 without any conditions attached.

Forest Fire Prevention in Spring

Forest fires in the spring account for more than half of all forest fire cases and 85 percent of the related damage in Korea. Thus forest fire prevention campaigns are of particular importance.

How to prevent forest fires:

- Do note incinerate garbage near forests without permission

- Do not enter any limited-access hiking trails

- Do not carry flammable substances when hiking

- Do not smoke or discard cigarette butts near forests

How to report forest fires:

- Call the fire department (119), police (112), local military bases, local government offices, local forest services, or forest rangers with following information: the place, time, and size of the forest fire, as well as the reporter’s personal information

Penalties for causing forest fires:

- Accidental fire: Up to 3 years in prison or a KRW 30 million fine

- Forest fire through arson: Imprisonment for 5 to 15 years

- Unauthorized fire near forest: A fine of up to KRW 1,000,000

- Discarding cigarette butts in forests: A fine of up to KRW 300,000 Unauthorized access to restricted areas: A fine of up to KRW 200,000


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Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog): Spring Is Here: Celebrate Arbor Day
Spring Is Here: Celebrate Arbor Day
Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is. It's Arbor day in Korea, why not get closer with nature and embrace them in this beautiful season?
Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog)
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