Introduction to Hwaseong City #1

The latest news of Hwaseong City in South Korea! If you want to know 2021 policies of Hwaseong, check this out.

About Hwaseong City

Hwaseong City is located in southwestern Gyeonggi Province. It was promoted to city level in 2001, and its population has been increasing since 2000 due to migration from other cities in the Korean capital region area into the Dongtan New Town area of Hwaseong. As of 2019, its population stood at 820,000.

Hwaseong City is located between the Gwangju Mountains and the Charyeong Mountains, which form a relatively mountainous area in the northeast. The city center is a hilly while the west is bordered by the West Sea. Most of the western areas are rural, and all are county-based except Saesol-dong, an area of Ansan. Gyeonggi rice produced in the Namyang Reclamation Area is popular and the grapes of Songsan-myeon are famous.

In 2020, the city ranked first in competitiveness among 226 cities and counties nationwide in the Korea Competitiveness Index, and it also ranked first in the country in terms of fiscal independence at 66.26 percent.
People commemorate the victims of 4.15 Jeamri Massacre in Hwaseong City
ⓒGyeonggi Province

Hwaseong City’s Policies in 2021

Hwaseong City has drawn up its 2021 budget at KRW 2.6527 trillion, an increase of 7.9% over the previous year. Since all administrative power must be leveraged to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, the city government found it judicious to maintain and supplement current policies and business positions rather than presenting new grandiose plans.

The budget focuses on the ‘Hwaseong’s Green New Deal’ in order to actively respond to the prolonged pandemic while preparing for the realization of a sustainable city in the post-pandemic era. Hwaseong’s Green New Deal calls for the allocation of KRW 40.1 billion for free buses, KRW 15.6 billion for electric and hydrogen vehicles, KRW 1.1 billion for gas reduction projects, KRW 7.1 billion for supermarket network management infrastructure, and KRW 6.4 billion for renewable energy.

Of particular note, starting in the second half of 2021, the range of those who benefit from free transportation will be expanded to anyone aged 65 or older and under the age of 23. Additionally, 45 public buses will be deployed on 28 routes by the end of January 2021 to guarantee resident accessibility.

To protect future assets, Hwaseong City continues to pursue the registration of the Ramsar wetlands in Hwaseong so as to create an eco-friendly city. The government will also ensure that long-cherished projects such as the Hwaseong International Theme Park, Dongtan Tram, New Ansan and New Bundang subway line expansion, Hambaeksan Memorial Park, and the Gungpyeong-ri tourist site are implemented smoothly.

Furthermore, Hawseong City has committed itself to the operation of 100 public daycare centers as well as 10 child and youth centers. The city plans to create a social safety net that will prevent child abuse while strengthening the public nature of childcare through the introduction of daycare centers tailored to the particular needs of the city.

To promote the historical value and meaning of the Hwaseong ‘March 1st Movement,’ the city will continue to push for UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage recognition of the historical and cultural value of King Jeongjo's royal parade, and strive for the advancement of cultural dignity through the expansion of related infrastructure such as children's science museums and public libraries.
Sunrise at Geondalsan Mountain
ⓒGyeonggi Province



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Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog): Introduction to Hwaseong City #1
Introduction to Hwaseong City #1
The latest news of Hwaseong City in South Korea! If you want to know 2021 policies of Hwaseong, check this out.
Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog)
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