Gyeonggi Province Launches ‘Counseling Interpretation Training’ for Migrants

Gyeonggi Province launches ‘Counseling Interpretation Training’ for Migrants

Gyeonggi Province Launches ‘Counseling Interpretation Training’ for Migrants
@Gyeonggi Province

Gyeonggi Province Launches ‘Counseling Interpretation Training’ for Migrants

With the largest foreign population in Korea, Gyeonggi Province has been striving to ensure the stable settlement of foreigners in local communities and their natural harmonization with local residents. As a part of such efforts, Gyeonggi Province has established the ‘General Plan for Foreign Resident Policies’ and endeavored to improve quality of life for foreign residents through a diverse range of relevant projects and policies.

At the same time, the Gyeonggi Institute of Research and Policy Development for Migrants’ Human Rights has established itself as one of Korea’s first human rights policy development institutions for foreigners. It seeks to institutionalize and mainstream progressive and fair human rights for foreign residents and migrants pursuant to the ‘Ordinance on Supporting Human Rights for Foreigners in Gyeonggi Province.’

The Gyeonggi Institute of Research and Policy Development for Migrants’ Human Rights provides related counseling, engages in anti-discrimination research, and offers education on domestic and foreign human rights so as to prevent associated violations while promoting a culture of human rights. It also investigates and monitors human rights cases involving foreign residents while undertaking the development of germane policies.

Through this latest initiative, the institute will provide ‘Counseling Interpretation Training’ to migrants living in Gyeonggi Province. The training program, which is designed for those who want to enter the translation field and improve their related skills, is open to any foreign resident of Gyeonggi Province who has attained Level 4 or higher in the Korean Language Proficiency Test (TOPIK).
@Gyeonggi Province

Through this latest initiative, the institute will provide Counseling Interpretation Training’ to migrants living in Gyeonggi Province. The training program, which is designed for those who want to enter the translation field and improve their related skills, is open to any foreign resident of Gyeonggi Province who has attained Level 4 or higher in the Korean Language Proficiency Test (TOPIK). 

As part of this program, Park Jae-yoon and Oh Yoo-hyun, members of Homointer, and Sung Yeon-soon, deputy head of the Bridge Counseling Center, will deliver lectures on the theme of "Technology of the Interpretation Process and Understanding Family Counseling." Professors Ho Thi Long An and Jung Hoe-ran of the Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and Professor Han Hye-min of the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies will then continue the lectures on the theme of "Exercising Interpretation." In addition, courses pertaining to counseling interpretation and crisis counseling will also be offered.

As part of this program, Park Jae-yoon and Oh Yoo-hyun, members of Homointer, and Sung Yeon-soon, deputy head of the Bridge Counseling Center, will deliver lectures on the theme of "Technology of the Interpretation Process and Understanding Family Counseling."
@Gyeonggi Province

Training will take place over a three-week period from August 19 on Fridays and Saturdays at the Gyeonggi Sangsang Campus.

Gyeonggi Province hopes this program will ultimately contribute to the psychological wellbeing of foreign residents of the province, helping then to live more joyful lives.

Through the continuous pursuit of this and related efforts, Gyeonggi Province and the Gyeonggi Institute of Research and Policy Development for Migrants’ Human Rights are contributing to the development of multicultural and human rights-friendly local communities.

Gyeonggi Province Launches ‘Counseling Interpretation Training’ for Migrants





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Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog): Gyeonggi Province Launches ‘Counseling Interpretation Training’ for Migrants
Gyeonggi Province Launches ‘Counseling Interpretation Training’ for Migrants
Gyeonggi Province launches ‘Counseling Interpretation Training’ for Migrants
Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog)
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