Changes Brought by 'ChatGPT', Korea Responds in Pangyo. Introduction of Techno Valley and NAVER Headquarters.

ChatGPT is a hot topic worldwide. How is Korea, as an IT powerhouse, responding? Pangyo in Gyeonggi Province, where Korea's "...

ChatGPT is a hot topic worldwide. How is Korea, as an IT powerhouse, responding?

Pangyo in Gyeonggi Province, where Korea's "Silicon Valley" is located, is known as the Mecca of new venture companies, with IT, biotechnology(BT), culture content technology(CT), and nanotechnology(NT) all integrated. The Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy & Innovation, NEOWIZ, Nexon Korea, and POSCO DX are lined up there, and behind NCSOFT are major domestic venture companies such as Kakao, AhnLab, and Hancom.

Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy & Innovation:
Actively discovering promising AI companies and attracting follow-up investments.

On March 7, 2023, Neowiz announced that it had made a strategic investment in the sports and fitness artificial intelligence (AI) startup "Sportsbox AI."

Nexon Korea, NCSOFT:
NCsoft has deployed 200 people for AI development, and large game companies such as Nexon and Netmarble are also participating. When AI is introduced, players can freely converse with NPCs, maximizing game immersion and fun.

POSCO DX has expressed its ambition to lead the digital transformation (DX) of the entire industry by applying robots, artificial intelligence (AI), digital twins, and metaverse, and achieve sales of KRW 4 trillion by 2030.

Kakao unveiled the generative artificial intelligence (AI)-based chatbot service "Dadaum (ddmm)." The Korean-style chat GPT "KoGPT" is scheduled to be released in the first half of the year.

As interest in AI has increased due to the popularity of ChatGPT, companies that are growing based on AI are also gaining attention. Domestic cybersecurity company AhnLab is accelerating the development of AI security technology.

Hancom announced in March, 2023 that it will launch "Hancom Docs AI," a subscription-based document editing service equipped with ChatGPT, within this year.

In addition, Naver , South Korea's largest search portal with its headquarters in Bundang, Gyeonggi Province, is responding to the AI competition ignited by the GPT frenzy. Naver has launched 'Hyper CLOVA X', an AI system that has learned Korean 6,500 times more than GPT, to build a large-scale AI ecosystem specialized for non-English languages. Naver also plans to release a search service called 'Search GPT' with an AI chatbot in the first half of this year.

In addition, Gyeonggi Province is pursuing a roadmap at the government level, including the following plans:
- 'GPT' that promotes art education using AI and exhibitions and dissemination of activity results for 15 people with developmental disabilities
- Launch the "GPT Industry-University Cooperation Committee" with the participation of local AI companies, related universities, and research institutions
- Create a Future Growth Fund (tentatively named) of approximately 50 billion KRW to support promising new companies in future-oriented industries such as generative AI, big data, and other emerging sectors
- Operate ‘AI-based Gyeonggi Province call center’
- ‘GPT Proposal Contest’ for all public employees in Gyeonggi Province and public organizations

Many companies are gathering in Gyeonggi Province to conduct research in cutting-edge industries and continuously growing their influence in the global market.

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Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog): Changes Brought by 'ChatGPT', Korea Responds in Pangyo. Introduction of Techno Valley and NAVER Headquarters.
Changes Brought by 'ChatGPT', Korea Responds in Pangyo. Introduction of Techno Valley and NAVER Headquarters.
Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog)
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