Dongtan Lake Park: A Haven of Nature and Culture

Today, I’m excited to introduce you to one of Hwaseong City’s proudest attractions, Dongtan Lake Park, and the many wonderful spots you can ...

Today, I’m excited to introduce you to one of Hwaseong City’s proudest attractions, Dongtan Lake Park, and the many wonderful spots you can enjoy there. Dongtan Lake Park, with its stunning natural scenery and diverse facilities, is a beloved destination for residents of Hwaseong City and nearby areas.

Let’s dive into what makes this place so special!🙌🙌

Dongtan Lake Park: An Urban Oasis
Located in Dongtan 2 New Town, Dongtan Lake Park is a landmark of Hwaseong City. It was awarded the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Award at the 2019 Korea National Landscape Awards.
Built around Sancheong Reservoir and Songbang Stream, this park preserves the existing natural environment while making the most of the lake’s inherent beauty, creating a perfect urban well-being space.
Shopping and Strolling at Lake Como
Lake Como is a shopping hotspot within Dongtan Lake Park, featuring various shops and restaurants that are highly popular with locals.
After a shopping spree, take a leisurely walk along the surrounding trails to soak in the natural beauty! Benches are scattered throughout, offering perfect spots for a relaxing break.
Nest Garden and Undawon
Within the park, you’ll find the Nest Garden, a vibrant flower garden, and Undawon, a spacious lawn ideal for picnics. These spots are perfect for enjoying quality time with family and friends✨.
The Nest Garden is especially famous for its seasonal blooms, making it a great photo spot all year-round.
Wellness Spaces and Various Facilities
Dongtan Lake Park offers a plethora of activities with its phytoncide forest, large picnic areas, fitness facilities, and water play zones. The phytoncide forest is perfect for forest bathing, helping to relieve stress. The fitness and water play areas are popular with families.
Additionally, the embankment promenade features exercise equipment and colorful container box seating, making it a delightful area for a stroll!
Luna Show: The Highlight of Dongtan Lake Park
Every year, Dongtan Lake Park hosts the Luna Festival, with the spectacular Luna Show at its core. This grand fountain show at the Luna Fountain features 3D visuals projected onto the 'The Luna' sculpture, a 15-meter diameter corona screen. Accompanied by music, over 200 water jets dance up to 60 meters high, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. The show begins with the music fountain and transitions into the Luna Show and Wolf Show, lasting for 50 minutes.

Music Fountain: Operates three times daily on weekdays and weekends.
Luna Show: Held on the second and fourth Saturdays at 9 PM (viewable until October 30).
Address: Sancheong-dong, Songdong, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
Contact: 031-5189-6232, 6632

If you want to enjoy nature and culture simultaneously in the city, or simply escape daily stress for some peaceful time, be sure to visit Dongtan Lake Park in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province. With its beautiful scenery and diverse facilities, it’s the perfect getaway!

Explore more at Dongtan Lake Park and immerse yourself in a serene urban oasis.
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Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog): Dongtan Lake Park: A Haven of Nature and Culture
Dongtan Lake Park: A Haven of Nature and Culture
Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog)
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