From Friendship to Sisterhood: Gyeonggi Province and Jiangsu Province

Gyeonggi Province has officially established a sisterhood relationship with Jiangsu Province! On May 19, Gyeonggi Province Governor Dong-ye...

Gyeonggi Province has officially established a sisterhood relationship with Jiangsu Province!

On May 19, Gyeonggi Province Governor Dong-yeon Kim and Jiangsu Party Secretary Xin Changxing met at Dodamso, the historic former gubernatorial residence of Gyeonggi Province. During this meeting, they signed the sisterhood agreement and explored avenues for future collaboration.
Let's delve into the details and see what this exciting partnership entails!
Gyeonggi Province and Jiangsu Province first forged a friendly relationship in 2011 when Party Secretary Xin Changxing visited Korea.

Since then, the two regions have collaborated in various ways, such as the dispatch of environmental industry representatives from Gyeonggi to Jiangsu, the hosting of Jiangsu medical professionals for training in Gyeonggi, and the facilitation of agricultural science and technology exchanges along with reciprocal public official training delegations.

During their recent meeting, Party Secretary Xin Changxing highlighted that despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Jiangsu and Gyeonggi have sustained business investments as well as exchanges among university students and public officials. He emphasized,
"The foundation for cooperation between our regions is strong, and the potential for further friendly relations is immense."

He outlined the following key areas for future cooperation:
▲Enhancing offline exchanges and cooperation between Gyeonggi and Jiangsu, including their cities and counties.
▲Strengthening industrial partnerships in sectors such as semiconductors, new energy, and auto parts to achieve mutual benefits.
▲Promoting friendly exchanges in tourism, culture, and education, with a special focus on the younger generation.
Following their discussions, the two leaders signed the "Sisterhood Agreement between Gyeonggi Province and Jiangsu Province," officially solidifying their partnership.

Moving forward, the regions plan to expand their cooperation across various fields, including economy and trade, science and technology, education, environment, healthcare, agriculture, tourism, and humanities. They also agreed to set up a working group to systematically enhance these efforts.

The signing ceremony was attended by high-ranking officials, such as Fang Kun, Minister of the Chinese Embassy in Korea; Representative Park Jung from the Korea-China Parliamentary Friendship Association; Park Seung-hee, President of Samsung Electronics' Corporate Relations; and Lee Soo-il, CEO and Vice Chairman of Hankook Tire & Technology.

After the ceremony, Party Secretary Xin, his delegation, the Consul General of Shanghai, and various political and economic figures attended a dinner to celebrate and strengthen the cooperation between Gyeonggi and Jiangsu.
Since his meeting with He Lifeng, China's Vice Premier for Economic Affairs, last November, Governor Kim has been actively fostering meaningful cooperative relationships with China's central and local governments.

In April, he signed an expanded cooperation agreement with Hao Peng, the Party Secretary of Liaoning Province, marking significant progress in these efforts.

With this new agreement, Gyeonggi Province now has sisterhood relationships with Guangdong Province, China's largest economy; Jiangsu Province, the second largest; and Shandong Province, the third largest.

Looking ahead, Gyeonggi Province plans to expand new exchanges with key economic growth regions in China in the second half of this year, continuing its commitment to enhancing Korea-China relations.

We look forward to a future where Korea and China collaborate more closely and robustly beyond inter regional cooperation. Stay tuned for future updates!

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Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog): From Friendship to Sisterhood: Gyeonggi Province and Jiangsu Province
From Friendship to Sisterhood: Gyeonggi Province and Jiangsu Province
Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog)
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