Gapyeong Begonia Bird Garden: A Perfect Harmony of Nature and Healing

Today, I’m excited to introduce you to Gapyeong Begonia Bird Garden, a place filled with the smiles of fragrant flowers and the songs of bir...

Today, I’m excited to introduce you to Gapyeong Begonia Bird Garden, a place filled with the smiles of fragrant flowers and the songs of birds all year round. Located in Gapyeong City, Gyeonggi Province, this garden is a perfect spot for relaxation and healing.
Covering about 20,000 square meters, this garden offers a true oasis of rest and rejuvenation!😊
At the heart of Gapyeong Begonia Bird Garden lies a 3,000-square-meter greenhouse, divided into the Flower Zone, Infinity Zone, and Bird Zone, each with its unique charm.

✔️ Let's explore the unique attractions of each zone!
Flower Zone In the Flower Zone, you can discover dozens of different flowers, including begonias! Stroll through the beautifully landscaped flower gardens and take in the delightful fragrances.
Media Room The Media Room features an infinite mirror space where you can experience an endless world of flowers through media facades. In the "Symphony of Flowers" section, you'll find wisterias and hydrangeas beautifully intertwined, perfect for taking stunning photos!
Bird Zone In the Bird Zone, you can encounter rare birds from around the world, including parrots, flamingos, and falcons. The Flying Zone, where you can interact and feed dozens of parrots, is particularly popular!
Outdoor Gardens The outdoor area offers various themed gardens. On Begonia Hill, you can enjoy a colorful display of begonia flowers, perfect for a leisurely walk. The Front Garden showcases different plants each season, while the Enchanted Garden lets you get up close with alpacas and Boer goats, making it a great visit for families. The Water Garden is an ideal summer retreat, where the sound of water helps you forget the heat.

Whenever you need a break from daily life, come to Gapyeong Begonia Bird Garden.
Spend a special time healing your body and mind in the midst of nature.
We look forward to your visit! 🌸🌿

Gapyeong Begonia Bird Garden
• Location: 277-1 Songsan-ri, Seorak-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do
• Operating Hours: Daily from 10 AM to 5 PM
• By Bus: Direct bus 7001 from Exit 5 of Jamsil Station (Line 2)
• By Car: Approximately 10 minutes by car after exiting Seorak TG

Come and enjoy an unforgettable experience at Gapyeong Begonia Bird Garden!
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Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog): Gapyeong Begonia Bird Garden: A Perfect Harmony of Nature and Healing
Gapyeong Begonia Bird Garden: A Perfect Harmony of Nature and Healing
Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog)
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