Gyeongchun Line Time Travel Street in Gapyeong: A Special Journey Connecting Past and Present

Are you intrigued by Korea's retro culture? If so, today I’m going to introduce you to a place where you can immerse yourself in the n...

Are you intrigued by Korea's retro culture?

If so, today I’m going to introduce you to a place where you can immerse yourself in the nostalgic charm of the Gyeongchun Line, filled with memories and romance—welcome to the “Gyeongchun Line Time Travel Street” in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi Province. This unique space, built on the site of the old Gapyeong Station, is where history and culture seamlessly blend.

Let's explore the stories that awaits in this enchanting place where the past and present coexist!

Rediscovering Gapyeong Station
The Gyeongchun Line Time Travel Street was developed on the site of the decommissioned Gapyeong Station (spanning 37,000 square meters), transforming it into a new cultural hub.

This area preserves the vintage atmosphere while incorporating modern cultural elements, offering visitors a special experience that feels like a journey through time. The streets are lined with old train station facades and retro shops, letting you step back into the past.
A Brief History of Gapyeong Station
Opened in 1939, Gapyeong Station became a crucial transportation link between Seoul and Chuncheon when the Gyeongchun Line was inaugurated. However, the station was destroyed during the Korean War in 1950 and later rebuilt, continuing to serve as a regular station for the next 40 years.

In 1979, with the rise of the Riverside Song Festival at nearby Cheongpyeong Recreation Area, the station saw a surge in young visitors, marking a new golden age. Yet, with the opening of the Gyeongchun Line's double-track railway in 2010, Gapyeong Station closed its doors.

The site then underwent a transformation, reemerging in 2015 as a cultural space complete with a rail bike and park. Renamed the Gyeongchun Line Time Travel Street and Music Station 1939, it now attracts many visitors.
Music Station 1939: A Haven for Music and Art
One of the main attractions of the Gyeongchun Line Time Travel Street is Music Station 1939, a cultural complex for music and art enthusiasts.

Named to commemorate the opening year of the original Gyeongchun Line Gapyeong Station, this site features a concert hall, studios, rehearsal rooms, a cinema, and restaurants.
It’s renowned for hosting over 25 different music programs and large-scale concerts annually.
At the heart of Music Station 1939 is the M Station,
a multi-purpose space with three above-ground floors and one basement level, featuring a 254-seat indoor concert hall and two movie theaters. The large cello sculpture at the main gate serves as a popular photo spot for visitors.

Additionally, the Time Travel Street Train, repurposed from an old Mugunghwa train car, recreates the past of Gapyeong and Gapyeong Station. This exhibition space displays old photos, quotes, and records from the memorable Riverside Song Festival, offering visitors a nostalgic journey back in time.
If you’re seeking a destination to enjoy Korea’s retro culture, Gyeongchun Line Time Travel Street and Music Station 1939 are perfect choices. Relive the past and enjoy various music programs and exhibitions. Why not embark on a special time-traveling adventure in Gapyeong this weekend?

Visit Us:
Address: 174-3, Daegok-ri, Gapyeong-eup, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do
Hours: Open 24 hours
Contact: 031-581-1939
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Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog): Gyeongchun Line Time Travel Street in Gapyeong: A Special Journey Connecting Past and Present
Gyeongchun Line Time Travel Street in Gapyeong: A Special Journey Connecting Past and Present
Gyeonggi Province of Korea (Official Blog)
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